About Vanquish Therapies

Your Go To Solution for Professional and Personal Wellness

Vanquish Therapies takes a holistic and eclectic approach that treats the whole person in spirit, mind, and body, offering comprehensive strategies to deal with any needs you may have at home or at the workplace. While we started out only doing Person-Centred Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Life Coaching, we have expanded our repertoire to now provide integrative life coaching.

Our Cognitive Behavioural and Person-Centred Therapies have been shown to be very effective in dealing with many issues that professionals face. We have also used these theories to help families and corporations to develop effective communication and resolution strategies for better functioning homes and workplaces.

The goal of our coaching is to help our clients find clarity about what they want in life, provide support so that they can be motivated to act and achieve their goals, and help them come up with an actionable plan or how to do it. We are not only about accountability or goal setting but also about helping people come up with inspiring goals that motivate them to improve rather than being in a constant fight with resistance to change. We help clients set meaningful goals that will leave them fulfilled and content with what they have achieved.

We break down client goals into small and achievable stepping stones. In doing so, help them gain confidence and motivation to keep going in the belief that they can create and achieve their wildest dreams even when they inevitably face challenges. We believe that most people do not achieve their dreams due to not creating effective goals and executing them. As such, we place a lot of emphasis on these aspects of coaching.

We use time tested techniques to help clients come up with meaningful goals, write down actionable pans, and then guide them on acting on the plan to achieve their dreams.

  • Support clients to achieve their career, personal or business goals through effective goal setting strategies.
  • Identify the things that have been preventing the client from achieving their goals and committing to long-term change
  • Offer goal setting strategies, processes and psychological concepts that get the client ready to work towards their goals
  • Hold clients to higher standards and endow them with skills to live the life that they need to
  • Determine personalized long term and short term plans that will help them achieve their dreams
  • Serve as an accountability partner to keep the client on track and focused on the task.
About About