Data Protection Policy

Purpose and Scope

This policy provides a framework for ensuring Vanquish Therapies meets its obligations under the UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018. It applies to the consumption of personal information being in the possession of Vanquish Therapies.

Vanquish Therapies complies with data protection legislation guided by the six data protection principles. In summary, they require that personal information is:

  • Used fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner.
  • Used only for limited, specified stated purposes and not used or disclosed in any way incompatible with those purposes.
  • Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary.
  • Accurate and, where necessary, up to date.
  • Not kept for longer than necessary.
  • Kept safe and secure.

Collecting Your Data

When you access the Vanquish Therapies website and provide your data, that data is collected and processed based on having your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and your information will be deleted.

When you start Counselling or Coaching, you enter a contract to receive our services. Data is then collected and processed on the basis of the Contract.

How We Obtain Your Data

The data Vanquish Therapies processes is obtained directly from yourself. If a third party/alternative service referred you, they might have given us some information about you. The information would typically include your name, contact details and your relationship to the referrer. However, we have no control over the information they supply.

The Data We Keep and How It’s Used

Vanquish Therapies keeps the following information:

  • Name and age; helps to identify you.
  • Email address, phone number; helps to contact you.
  • Emergency safety contact details: in case of an emergency for example, during an online session and consultation, if you become ill and collapse, the Counsellor or Coach can see you but is unable to aid assistance. Therefore, Vanquish Therapies will need to contact your agreed emergency person in a potentially life-threatening situation.
  • Session notes: the counsellor keeps brief, factual notes as a record of your work together.
  • Referral information: Vanquish Therapies will keep third-party records for invoice purposes.
  • Payment details: this is required for scheduling, invoicing, and accounting purposes.
  • Cookies: cookies are used on Vanquish Therapies website to make parts of the website run.

Sharing Your Data

Vanquish Therapies will never sell your data or use it in any way not agreed.

Client contact details will be used within Vanquish Therapies to organise appointment times.

The only time Vanquish Therapies will disclose information is:

  • If the client has disclosed information relating to money laundering, terrorist activities.
  • If you or someone disclosed is at risk of being harmed.
  • In clinical supervision (the information shared is not identifiable).
  • In a court case or by coroner request.
  • If the client gives consent/instruction to share information via writing.

How Your Information Is Stored

Vanquish Therapies stores all electronic client information on an encrypted, password protected computer system, and paper-based documents in a locked filling cabinet.

Duration of Keeping Your Information and How It’s Disposed Off

In line with Insurance requirements Vanquish Therapies keeps all client information for seven years. After this time all electronic and document-based information is destroyed/shredded in a secure confidential way.

Please be advised, your information will be deleted after 30 days of inactivity if you choose not to engage with our services. We value your privacy.