Trainee Coach Placement Programme

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Vanquish Therapies is delighted to introduce our Trainee Coach Placement Programme! We are a professional organisation devoted to providing high quality Life Coaching and Counselling services for those seeking support. Through our placement programme we aim to provide an excellent opportunity for Coaches in Training looking to further enhance their skills and knowledge in the Coaching field. We strive to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for our Trainee Coaches. We’re looking forward to welcoming you to our programme and supporting you on your journey to becoming a successful professional coach.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants must be attending an accredited and regulated Coaching diploma/degree course
  • Being Mentored or in Supervision by a Qualified Coach.

The Selection Process:

  • Interested Candidates can apply for the placement via our online Application Form provided below and attach the following documents:
    • Evidence of Fitness to Practise
    • Qualification Certificates
    • Current CV
    • Recent enhanced DBS (adult workforce)
    • Valid ID (Driving license or passport).
  • Applicants must also provide evidence of their Training organisation and Professional Indemnity Insurance (It is not essential to have insurance at this stage but just let us know).
  • In order to secure a placement position, applicants must successfully participate in an informal interview discussion – An interview may only be offered once the Placement application and requested documents have been submitted and processed.

There are a finite number of placements available, but applicants may be placed on a waiting list if they wish.

Brief Information About The Placement:

  • Trainees will have periodical ‘check-ins’ with the Placement Manager for open discussions.
  • Trainees will have the support of the Counselling Coordinators, and the Placement Manager, throughout the duration of the placement.

The placement application form below consists of personal information.
The information you provide will be kept private and confidential and is only used for the purpose of the placement.