How to Persevere Through Difficult Moments in Life

How to Persevere Through Difficult Moments in Life


When life knocks you to the ground, you may feel discouraged and defeated. You will likely wonder if a time will come when you regain your happiness and feeling of safety.

The best gift to yourself at such a time would be learning how to persevere through your difficult moments. If you are going through such an experience, keep reading and show you how you can persevere through it.
Although it is common to feel defeated and hopeless when faced with adversity, do not give up. You can go through any difficult moment and come out of it stronger.

You may be surprised to see how what you thought was your worst experience in life turned out to be a catalyst for a change in your life for the better. Here are some things you can do to help you persevere through your difficult moments in life.

Accept your current situation

You should learn to accept that change is inevitable in life and that embracing the constant and unpredictable changes works for your betterment. Learning to accept change will help you focus on looking for solutions rather than fighting the change.
Adjust to the new normal

Life gives you the power to make choices. Use this power to choose the best way to adjust your lifestyle so that you can fit better with changes, no matter how complex they are. This way, you will liberate yourself and move forward.


Whatever you face in life, avoid choosing the easy way you decide to do nothing about your problem. If you do this, you only postpone the moment when you will need to confront your issue and look for solutions. Take actions and make decisions that will help contribute to solving the problem.

Cultivate a supportive network

Having a confidant or a supportive network is important. This could be your friends, family, or colleagues willing to hold you accountable, to listen to you without passing judgment, and to cheer you on your path to recovery.
These are the people who will help you think through your options and choices and put checks and balances so that you do not stall on your recovery path. However, be ready to be criticized and opposed to some of your choices and decisions.

Avoid negative self-talk

Sometimes your worst enemy will be your negativity and being too hard on yourself. Your negative self-talk will be a catalyst for self –sabotage. Deliberately form a habit of talking positive things about yourself and your situation. You will notice that what you say influences how your mind works.

Talking negatively makes you more disillusioned and sucks your energy to fight, while positive self-talk fuels your resolve to come out of the predicament victoriously.

Have realistic expectations

It is prudent to come up with realistic goals and timelines when planning on how to resolve issues in your life. Listing your problems down and tackling them one at a time will give you the necessary morale boost knowing that you are making progress. Realistic goals ensure that you face fewer frustrations because they are achievable. On the other hand, unrealistic goals create so many obstacles on your path, dealing you blow after blow in failure and frustration every step of the way. Know your capacity to handle difficulties; it will help guide your goal setting practice.

Ask for help

Most people shy away from seeking assistance, which delays their chances of recovering from their predicaments. Acknowledge that no one is self-sufficient, and like everyone else, you need help from time to time. You may be surprised at the number of people who may be willing to help you out. Avoid shutting them out, ask for their help whenever you need it, and accept any extended help.

Learn from your experiences

Take lessons from the difficulties that life throws your way. This way, you will know how to avoid a similar predicament in the future, and if it recurs, you will know what to do to get out of it.